Touted as a super food, kale packs a nutritious punch. Great! The difficult thing is that it’s not always easy to choke down. It can be tough and earthy not to mention GREEN. Many are adverse to anything GREEN. Luckily I am not and I love a good challenge. The best way to eat vegetables is, ofRead More
Mid-westerners love layered salads
Whether it is a 7-layered one or jello, Mid-westerners love to layer a salad. I don’t know what it is but go to any potluck or family dinner and there is bound to be some sort of striated salad. Growing up we had said 7-layer salad every summer, and, every Thanksgiving, a lime jello withRead More
Lentils are My New Best Friend
I do not mean to sound like a pompous asshole when I say this next line: I work out. I work out usually five mornings a week. I get up at 5:30 and am starting exercise class at 6:10. We usually go about 50 minutes with very few breaks. It kicks my ass! But IRead More